This site has had 82013 unique visitors since 25/02/11.
Lost - Cat 6/7/18
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Lost - Cat 1/9/17
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Lost - Cat 1/9/17
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Success - Cat 24/8/17
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Found - Cat 18/7/17
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Hello and welcome to the only website dedicated to raising awareness of lost and found pets in the Southport area. This is a central point where all lost and found pets that are reported to us can be viewed. This is a non profit making website, and relies entirely upon the help of people in Southport.

In October 2010, Jake (right), our beautiful long haired tabby cat went missing. We put posters up, posted hundreds of flyers and advertised him in the local paper for several weeks. Unfortunately Jake has still not come home. The devastation of Jake going missing is very hard, since then we have wanted to do as much as possible to help people in the same position.

How The Website Works

If you have lost or found a pet, simply email or send a text message to us with the information below, and we will upload this to our website immediately. We are also in touch with local rescue centres and will be uploading any pets that have been taken in by them. Our aim is to let as many individuals and organisations know as possible that your pet is missing/you have found a pet. The website will be updated as and when leads come in. This website is solely for reuniting pets with their owners.

Information We Require About A Lost Or Found Pet

  • Type of pet that is missing, name and description - please provide as much detail as possible
  • Where and when the missing pet was last seen
  • Photo of your missing pet (very important, please send by email or picture message to our mobile number)
  • Your name, telephone number and preferred email address

  • Found
  • Type of pet found and description - please provide as much detail as possible
  • Location of pet found - specifically a road name
  • Date pet was found
  • Photo of pet (very important, please send by email or picture message to our mobile number)
  • Your name, telephone number and preferred email address

  • We will hold all details for anyone that contacts us and these will not be disclosed unless we have permission to do so.

    Success Stories

    Please let us know when a pet has been reunited with its owner and we will list it as a success story here!